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Table 1 Promotive motivation theory scale for adolescent smoking

From: Protection motivation theory and cigarette smoking among vocational high school students in China: a cusp catastrophe modeling analysis

Threat appraisal

 Perceived Threat


1 The earlier a person starts smoking, the greater the harm

2 More smokers get sickness than nonsmokers

3 Smokers died earlier than nonsmokers


4 I would become addicted if I smoke

5 I would get sick if I smoke

6 If I smoke, I may die earlier

 Perceived Rewards

Extrinsic Rewards

7 Smokers look cool and fashionable

8 Smoking is good for social networking

9 The life of a smoker is happier than a nonsmoker

Intrinsic Rewards

10 Smoking makes people feel comfortable

11 Smoking helps people concentrate

12 Smoking enhances brainwork

Copping appraisal

 Perceived Efficacy

Response Efficacy

13 People will feel good by not smoking

14 People will be less likely to get disease if they do not smoke

15 Quitting smoking is good for disease recovery


16 No one could persuade me if I do not want to smoke

17 Even if all who are around me smoke, that does not mean I must smoke

18 I can refuse even if a relative or friend asks me to smoke

 Perceived Cost

Response Cost

19 A person may be isolated if he or she does not smoke

20 Refusing a cigarette offer is very impolite

21 One will miss the enjoyment if he or she does not smoke